As a course developer, you should have access to create or edit a syllabus you may need to enable popups.

If you are a course developer, go to the syllabus section 

You should then have the Course Developer tab

If you do not have a course developer tab, please contact your program coordinator so they can create a ticket to make a course developer (the ticket need to make sure to include the class and Park ID

Then choose the class that you are going to make the template for

You can then either create a template or edit an existing template

If you want to create a new template you can type in the destruction

If you try and edit a syllabus, but it does not come up, there may be the issue of a pop up blockup

and then

You can then create the template

As you fill it out, various areas such as Rubric, Mission Vision Statement that are locked or change from semester to semester (Year, class time, etc...)

At the end of the syllabus, there is the possibility for the syllabi to be approved automatically after entering in personal information for that class

Once done, it goes to the program coordinator to be approved.