1. Open an incognito tab or clear cookies in your browser settings.
    2. Navigate to the website
    3. From the first drop-down menu, select "Park University".
    4. Click on the [Proceed] button.
    5. Log in using your Park credentials ([email protected] and Park password).
    6. Select [Course List] to continue.
    7. Use the drop-down menus to locate the desired term and course.
    8. Either adopt books from past terms or enter new information to find the desired book.
    9. Click [Use this Book] next to the selected title.
  1. Finally, click [Submit Adoption] to complete the process.

Main Menu

What’s available from the main menu (in descending order—on the left hand side of the screen):

  1. User Profile 
  2. Course list
  3. Communication Hub
  4. Affordability Solutions
  5. Adoption Support
  6. Search
  7. Information on Price Matching (to the right of the screen, NOTE: will be on every screen in AIP)
    1. Redirects to Price Matching Page
  8. Support Contact Information (to the right of the screen: NOTE: will be on every screen in AIP)
    1. Redirects to Open Chat Page


  • Note: There will be an optional survey at the end of the textbook adoption process.
  • If you have multiple sections of the same course, you can apply the adoptions to all courses.
  • We highly recommend that you choose “any” condition of book for the students to purchase.
  • We highly recommend that you choose either “required” or “recommended” for the adoption
  • If using DL (online section) book, will not need to update the shell, but will need to submit to AIP
  • If using different book than DL (online section), will need to update the shell, and submit to AIP
  • Canvas Booklist:


  1. OPTION 1:I’d like to re-adopt from a past adoption
    1. You will be able to adopt a textbook that has been adopted in past terms.
      1.  AIP will have up to one year’s history starting off
    2. You will need to select which term you want to re-adopt from
    3. Only select materials that you are wanting (uncheck those that you do not want)
      1. May not have any course history at the beginning of AIP
    4. After selections have been made, hit [Submit]
    5. Your selected book will show up at the bottom of the menu
  2. OPTION 2:I’d like to be guided through the adoption process
    1. View Detailed Adoption History
      1. Can view by term and/or course (3 options)
        1. Can view history for the designated/scheduled course
          1. Once history is available, can choose [add to course]
          2. Information for the book is available (pricing etc.)
          3. Hit [Submit Adoption]
        2. Can view history for all department courses
          1. Once history is available, can choose [add to course]
          2. Information for the book is available (pricing etc.)
          3. Hit [Submit Adoption]
        3. Can view history for designated/scheduled professor
          1. Once history is available, can choose [add to course]
          2. Information for the book is available (pricing etc.)
          3. Hit [Submit Adoption]
      2. Once user has selected term or course, selections will become available
      3. Click on [Add to Course]
      4. Once choices have been made hit [Submit]
    2. Search by ISBN or Keyword
      1. Type in desired ISBN-13 or keyword
      2. Your items will populate the screen
      3. The flag indicates its availability from BNC
        1. Green=Available; Red=Not Available
      4. There might be a note at the top with a message letting you know the availability of the book
        1. AIP is often able to provide solutions to the out of date book: [View New Edition]
          1. Will pull up a menu with the new edition information
        2. Keep these messages in mind and tell FAST, Course Development, ID, and CDEV when changes need to be made for future terms ASAP
      5. [Summary] and [Digital Requirements] both contain information about the book and the requirements of the digital platform the student will be using
      6. Current Student Pricing lists in detail all the prices available from BNC
        1. Instructors should take these prices into account when selecting the book condition and adoption
          1. Condition (of book)—Any, New Only, Digital Only
          2. Adoption (is the book required?)—Required, Recommended (worded as “optional” in Canvas), or previous purchase allowed
          3. If you have more than one ISBN to add, then click the [Add to Course] button and repeat the process
      7. Instructors are able to send messages with their submissions to the bookstore that will be viewed by the student when shopping for their books (optional)
        1. This message is limited to 250 characters
      8. Once all options have been selected, hit [Use this Book]
      9. The next screen will have you [Submit Adoption]
    3. Upload a file for this course (this is for multiple class submissions).
      1. Upload a file from your computer.
      2. The upload has to fit a certain format which is available by clicking on [Get it Here]
        1. There is required information that needs to be put into the spreadsheet
          1. ISBN-13 (will not accept ISBN-10)
          2. Material Type (New, Used, or Any)
          3. Adoption Type (Required or Recommended)
          4. Notes (Optional): (Note to be displayed on bookstore’s website)
        2. Once this information has been filled out, save to a folder on your computer
        3. Hit [Select File], find the file in its designated folder
        4. Click [Open]—this will open the file in AIP.
        5. NOTE: Only files in the correct format (.csv) will be accepted
    4. View Affordability Solutions
      1. View material specific to course topic
      2. This feature populates at the course/section level depending on the course history. The feature will display if there is course adoption history for terms and an appropriate affordability option that maps to that course adoption history. If this isn’t available users can utilize the ‘Search’ functionality for affordable option materials in the catalog.
  3. Option 3:I’m not using any materials for this class
    1. You are able to select the option for OERs (Open Educational Resources)
    2. Once the switch has been turned to yes or kept at no, simply hit [Submit Adoption]

    1. You can add more course materials by [Add Course Material], and it will ask for an ISBN-13 or keyword (same process as earlier)
    2. Added book will say “added” in green beside it
    3. Deleted book will say “removed” in red beside it
    4. Be sure to hit [Submit] when done editing

Editing/Deleting Adoptions


  1. Editing and deleting will be done from the final adoption screen. This screen replaces the previous adoption menu and options with the following:
    1. Adding course material will be like adopting the book by ISBN-13 as stated above
    2. [Delete Adoption] will give you an option of “Yes, I’ll choose the materials later” or “No materials required”
    3. Any changes made make sure to [Remove Materials] and on the next screen hit [Submit]


Communication Hub (Contact Bookstore)

  1. There are two drop downs where items will need to be selected:
    1. Campus drop down: user will need to choose the Campus Center that they are inquiring about (ALL Campuses available) NOTE: information for ALL campuses is the same
    2. I’d like to contact the bookstore regarding…drop down. Can select from:
      1. An Adoption I’m researching
      2. An adoption I’ve submitted
      3. A site/tool issue that I’m experiencing
      4. A material not found
      5. Other
    3. Once the drop downs have been selected, the user may type in their message (message NOT limited to a certain number of characters)
    4. Click [Send Email]
  2. Contact information for the bookstore manager (Laesa Shoults) is located on this page
    1. Phone: 816-584-6747
    2. Email: [email protected] can also be reached at [email protected]

Affordability Solutions

  1. There are two menus under Affordability solutions they are (pictured below in same order):
    1. OER (Open Educational Resources)
    2. Price Match Guarantee

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Find a description on what Open Educational Resources is on this page. Completely informational.

Price Match Guarantee

Find a description on what Price Match Guarantee is on this page. Completely informational.

  1. To access Price Match Guarantee from any screen click on [Learn More]
  2. NOTE: We are under contract with MBS/BNC, and are not allowed to promote or send students to other vendors such as Chegg, Amazon, etc. This is a violation of the contract, but it also insures that students are ordering the correct material.
  3. NOTE: PMG has a few exclusions. If you are interested in this program, please contact Madison Sparks at FAST for a list of exclusions.

Adoption Support

  1. There is only one menu under Adoption Support
  2. There are multiple functions on this page
    1. Contact Adoption Support
      1. Have the ability to chat with an agent or request a call back
      2. Will use your Park email for contact information
    2. My Bookstore
      1. Has the bookstore manager’s information
    3. Technical Support
    4. Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Adoption Support

  1. Contact for BNC Support Services is as follows:
    1. Phone: 877-713-6697
    2. Hours of Operation: Mon-Sun 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (CST)
    3. There is also an option for live chat [Open Chat]
      1. There are two options to choose from
        1. [Request Callback] or [Start Chat]
  2. Can also access Chat Option by clicking [Open Chat] on any screen
    1. [Email Support] Redirects to Communication Hub-Contact the Bookstore
  3. All Campuses have their bookstore information
    1. It is the same for all campuses (unless changed)
      1. Laesa Shoults
        1. Email: [email protected]
    2. To send a message to the bookstore hit [Contact the bookstore page] which will redirect you to the Communication Hub-Contact the Bookstore

Technical Support

  1. Redirects users to [Contact the Bookstore] page

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  1. There are multiple FAQS on this page
    1. They are broken up into categories such as
      1. Placing Adoptions and subgroups
      2. Help and Support and subgroups
      3. Faculty Communications and subgroups
    2. The questions are in a gray box…click on the box and the answer will populate underneath


  1. Can search course material on this page either by ISBN or keywords
  2. Have the ability to adopt books from this screen
  3. It is the same process as discussed under the “Adoption” heading

Additional Resources


Contact Information

For support with technical issues, please call Adoption support or send an email via the Contact the Bookstore Page

Adoption Support: 877-713-6697

Monday—Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Email: [email protected]