1. Navigate to https://citrix.park.edu in your browser. (This example uses Safari)
2. Login with your student ID and password, place a check in the “Terms and Conditions” box and then click the “Log On” button.
3. When using Safari you will need to ‘Trust’ the plug-in in order for it to function.
4. Check the box next to “I agree with the Citrix license agreement”
5. The ‘Install’ button will go live for installation. Press the ‘Install’ button.
6. The download process will begin.
7. Open the file out of Downloads. Double click ‘Install Citrix Receiver’ and complete Install process as follows below:
8. Click ‘Continue’ to open application.
9. Select ‘Desktops’ tab.
10. Click ‘Student’ desktop
11. Welcome to Park’s Virtual Student Desktop for the Mac!