What is it?
Park University has several computer labs spread over campus for you to use to complete homework and other projects.
How can I access the resource?
You can access the resource by visiting any of the labs on the Parkville campus listed below. Parkville lab hours vary by building and specialty. Campus centers may have their own labs and hours.
Parkville Computer Labs:
- Media Lab, 1st Floor
- Writing Lab, 1st Floor
- Language Lab, 2nd Floor
Hawley Hall
- Interior Design Lab, 4th Floor
- Library Lab, Room 201
Science Hall
- Science Hall Lab, Room 113
- Network Lab, 2nd Floor
- GIS Lab (Geographical Information System), 1st Floor
Academic Plaza
- Computer Lab, Room 258
- Graphics Design Lab, Room 430
- Nursing Lab
- Computer Lab, Room 25
Chestnut Dorm
- Computer Lab, 2nd Floor
Copley Quad
- Computer Lab, Room 208
Thompson Commons
- Warrior Center
Norrington Learning Center and Library
Why would I want to use it?
Computer labs allow you to work on homework and projects at Park University without having to bring your own device with you onto campus. Specialized labs, such as those in nursing and graphic design, give you access to programs that are specific to your program of study that you may not be able to get anywhere else.
Is there a quick start/basic use guide available?
There is not. You can log into the lab computers using your regular user name and password.
How does the item make a me more successful at Park?
By having access to multiple computer labs, you have a quiet place to work on a computer that is provided to you by the university. Computer labs remove the burden from having to bring your own computer or device with you when you become a Park University student. You can work, save your work to a cloud based service, and pick up wherever you left off from another computer lab.
How does this item improve my student experience?
By having the computer labs, Park University removes the burden of having to own a personal device as well as the burden of a broken or malfunctioning machine. With the labs in place there is never a reason a you can’t complete your work.
Where can I find support such as a phone number, email address, or physical address?
Any issues with the computers in the labs should be reported to the Help Desk by calling 1-800-927-3024 or by emailing the Help Desk at [email protected]
Is there a policy in place?
The computer labs comply with the IT Acceptable Use Policy
Is there additional or third party documentation available and where?
There is no additional information available, for help with lab equipment email [email protected] or call 1-800-927-3024