If you're attempting to login to Windows, MyPark, Staff Email, Academic Email, or Canvas, account locks will automatically unlock itself after 30 minutes.
When your account is locked out on these systems, it happened because 4 incorrect passwords were attempted consecutively and the account will be locked out for 30 minutes before unlocking itself.
If you have not already done so, make sure you have setup your security challenge questions at the Change Password Setup within MyPark (accounts.park.edu). You can change your password there as well as helping you regain access back into your account if you forget your password.
What if you don't have security challenge questions setup? You can always give Park ITS Help Desk a call at 800-927-3024 and we'll be happy to reset your password so you can get right in. You can even chat with us using the "Live Chat" feature on the bottom of most of our Support Pages here. ITS Help Desk is open Monday thru Friday 7am to 7pm Central Time.
If you find your account is getting locked out frequently, there's a good chance you have an old or incorrect password stored in a web browser, email app on a phone, etc. Browsers like Firefox and Chrome give you the ability to delete or remove individual passwords by the website so you don't have to delete all your other saved passwords. Here's how to do that:
How To Clear Old Passwords In Google Chrome
If this is about being locked out of another system, such as CX or eProcess, there may be an Solution already for this problem available at our main page, or you can submit a ticket about this, or you can call us at (800) 927-3024 or (816) 584-6768.